Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello, it's been a while.....

Today I watched a show about a man called "Tiger Man of Africa". Watching him made me want to post on my blog again. His name was John Varty and he inspired me to get back to blogging about what I love most....tigers. I liked his show because there was a tiger named Julie and she had cute little babies. The cutest baby was Runty. I was sad because Runty died before it got the chance to grow up. Runty tried really hard to live, but just couldn't.

I was surprised about the Tiger Man of Africa because he is doing exactly what I want to do. Someday I want to go to Africa and save the animals. John Varty is saving the tigers. I haven't been to Africa, but I think it is my favorite place. I sure would like the chance to find out.

I wrote Mr. Varty a letter. Here is my letter and the picture I drew for him. My mom and I will try to find out where to send it.